Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I have decided on a new way to headline my posts.  The first number is the day from blog creation, the second number is the post that day.  So todays is 1.2  for day 1 and the 2nd post of the day.  That might all change tomorrow but right now it seems different and I like different.

I tried to take a nap after my previous post but my favorite little dog tried to sleep across my neck and well.... that made it hard for me to sleep.... and breath.  Then I thought we got things situated and I was almost asleep when she decided that she wanted to lick every single inch of my face, including my eyeball and up my nose.  At this point I realized that my nap was not going to happen.

Instead I was not productive at all and watched some horrible TV for a little while then headed to my parents house.  Today was my dad's 50th birthday!  We had a nice steak dinner and spent some quality time with most of my family.  One of my brothers was unable to make it since he is a new dad and well.... new dads and babies dont travel well. haha  If you would like to keep up with his adventures (and they are seriously great adventures) you can do so here Daily Adventures Of A New Dad.

Anyway, I hung out with the parents and my youngest bro for a bit and then headed home to try to get some writing done. (yes this counts as some writing)  I write for several online sites and also keep this blog and one other blog going, I actually enjoy doing it as a hobby and its starting to become somewhat profitable.  If anyone has suggestions on how to make it more profitable I am absolutely willing to listen. Then maybe I could retire from my day job and write full time! That would be GREAT!

Time to kick back, relax and catch the rest of the Pirates game.... lets hope they win! (they are losing at the moment 2-1)

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